Youth Power: Driving Systems Change for a Greener Future
Shibru Fekadu is a development practitioner dedicated to managing Sustainable Food security and Environmental protection, Pamoja (Together) - Collective Action on Climate Change and Securing Environmental and Child-friendly Understandings by strengthening Rights-based Empowerment /SECURE/ Projects. The projects are mainly focusing on Climate Smart Agriculture, Natural resource management, WASH , nutrition sensitive Agriculture, Environmental protection, Climate Friendly Technologies (alternative energy saving stoves, biogas technology, water harvesting technologies, Solar powered reading lamps), Disaster risk reduction, climate change concepts, alternative livelihoods, Building Resilient communities, Nutrition, Economic strengthening and Food Security projects starting from 2013 to 2024 at ChildFund Ethiopia with most of the targets are youth. With a strong background experience, Shibru organized different training manuals and guidelines. Recognition for provided various workshops and trainings for quality programming and implementation. The major conducted training topics include Building Resilient Communities, Livelihood Resilience & Climate smart Agriculture, Climate change & Environmental protection, and Disaster Risk Reduction and Management.