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Amplifying Youth Voices

Acting Collectively

Collaborating Globally


Register for annual YEO 2030 learning and planning events hosted by us and our trusted partners.


Utilize some of these evergreen resources to support efforts such as engagement, building networks, advancing inclusion, and more. 


Join a diverse ecosystem of dedicated partners with a common vision and commitment to advancing SDG 8.

learning library

Access our free Library to gain insight from some of today’s top thought leaders in the youth economic opportunity space.

The YEO 2030 Initiative is building on the success of our past Global Youth Economic Opportunity Summits by emphasizing youth leadership and by linking learning to action. While we are still focused on sharing best practices for addressing key issues affecting youth economic opportunities globally, with the launch of YEO 2030 we are taking one step further. We are renewing our commitment to increasing youth economic opportunities by placing young people at the helm and by taking concrete actions with a broader community of stakeholders to advance achievement of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8.

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Check out the Summit Lineup!

See the latest sessions 2024 GYEO Summit Agenda.

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Accelerator Breathes New Life into Summit

Project Delivery Associate Reed Atkinson gives us insight into how the new accelerator will allow young leaders to maximize their Summit experience.

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Livestream Tickets Available

Thanks to our Livestream Sponsor VSO, three plenary sessions and two breakout sessions will be available via livestream for the 2024 GYEO Summit.

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